woman and her doctor

28 Questions to Ask Your Doctor Based on Each Trimester


Pregnancy questions are vital for first-time moms embarking on this exciting journey. While pregnancy can be a source of joy, it can also bring anxiety. To help ensure things are progressing as they should, it’s important to compile a list of questions to ask your doctor based on each trimester. This will give you the peace of mind to maintain a healthy pregnancy and seek help when needed. So, here are some great starting questions to ask your doctor as you progress through your pregnancy.


Questions to Ask During Your First Trimester

During the first trimester, your baby’s organs begin to form. This includes the neural tube, digestive system, and your baby’s circulatory system. The first trimester also marks the beginning of eye and ear development, making it an important part of your baby’s growth. To help support a healthy first trimester, here are some questions to ask your doctor.


1. Are my medications safe to continue during pregnancy?

Living with a chronic condition can require the use of several different types of medications. However, not all of these are safe to take during pregnancy. Ask your doctor about the safety of your medications during pregnancy, including any supplements or herbal remedies.


2. How often should I schedule doctor appointments?

You should be getting a prenatal visit once every four weeks during weeks 4-28, once every two weeks during weeks 28-36, and once every week during weeks 36-40. However, your frequency of visits can vary based on underlying conditions or pregnancy risk factors, so it’s important to clarify with your doctor.


3. Should I take prenatal vitamins?

Generally speaking, you should take prenatal vitamins daily. However, it’s important to discuss this with your doctor beforehand.


4. What foods should I avoid?

There are several foods to avoid during pregnancy, all of which should be discussed with your doctor. Most of these are mercury-rich foods, caffeine, and unpasteurized items.


5. How much weight should I gain?

Weight gain during pregnancy is often misunderstood. It depends on your current BMI and several other factors. Talk to your doctor about how much weight you should gain for a healthy pregnancy. Typically, it ranges between 11 to 40 pounds based on your pre-pregnancy weight.


6. What should I do to maintain a healthy pregnancy?

Asking your doctor about maintaining a healthy pregnancy will give you more information about lifestyle changes, such as diet, exercise, and avoiding smoking or alcohol.


7. What exercises should I do?

Exercising during pregnancy has several benefits. Ask your doctor which exercises are best for your circumstances and which should be avoided.


8. Are there any dangerous symptoms I should be aware of?

Many women will experience morning sickness during the first trimester, but there are also some dangerous pregnancy symptoms you should be aware of.


9. What are normal pregnancy symptoms in the first trimester?

Alternatively, it might help to know what to expect regarding normal pregnancy symptoms. Ask your doctor about these, especially if this is your first pregnancy.


10. Am I at risk for any pregnancy complications or conditions?

Some women have risk factors that may increase their chances of experiencing pregnancy complications. Ask your doctor about specific risks based on age, health, family history, and weight.


Questions to Ask During Your Second Trimester

Many pregnancy symptoms ease up during the second trimester, and energy levels are rebalanced. However, your body will continue to undergo many physical changes. You may notice that your breasts get bigger, and your baby bump becomes more noticeable. While these things are completely normal, it’s still important to ask any questions you may have. Some examples include:


1. Should I change my beauty routine?

If your beauty routine includes retinal, Retin A, or vitamin A, you’ll likely need to discontinue their use. These products can be dangerous for your developing baby. Your skin is also more sensitive during this time, so keeping things simple is best. However, always ask your doctor about any questionable products to be sure.


2. How long can I continue to work during pregnancy?

You can work throughout your entire pregnancy unless otherwise noted by your doctor. You may need to discontinue work sooner if you have a physically demanding job or pregnancy complications.


3. When should I make my birth plan?

Your birth plan will include all of the essential details about your big day. Ask your doctor when to start preparing it and what you should include.


4. What should I know about cesareans?

Cesareans (c-sections) are needed when a vaginal birth puts either the mom or baby (or both) at risk. There are several reasons for this, and c-sections may be planned or performed as an emergency. Ask your doctor for more information on c-sections and your risks.


5. Can I have a vaginal birth after a cesarean?

This often depends on several factors. Ask your doctor to determine whether a vaginal birth would be safe for your circumstances following a c-section.


6. How is my child’s development?

Several tests can monitor your child’s development during the second trimester. Never hesitate to ask how they’re doing at any time during your pregnancy.


7. Should I get any tests done?

Depending on certain factors, your doctor may recommend one or more screenings during pregnancy. Ask your doctor which ones you should take and when to schedule them.


8. Is it still safe to have sex?

Most often, yes. However, some pregnancy complications can increase the risk of sex, so always discuss this with your doctor beforehand.


9. When should I start sleeping on my side?

Sleeping on your side can help reduce the risk of stillbirth, but this often doesn’t need to happen until the third trimester. Still, ask your doctor to be sure.


Questions to Ask During Your Third Trimester

The third trimester is often the most difficult, as mobility decreases due to a growing belly and aches and pains increase. Many expecting mothers also experience increased urinary, higher body temperatures, difficulty sleeping, swelling, and more. If you have any concerns during this time, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor. You can also ask the following questions at the start of your third trimester:


1. Do I need to get any vaccines?

You may need to get some vaccines during pregnancy—including the flu vaccine and Tdap. Ask your doctor about which vaccines you should get and when.


2. How can I help relieve third-trimester aches and pains?

The third trimester can bring about a lot of aches and pains. While some over-the-counter medications are safe, others are not. Ask your doctor about the best options available to you.


3. When do I need to stop flying?

You can travel during most of your pregnancy but cannot fly on an airplane after 36 weeks. Ask your doctor whether this is good for you or if you need to alter your plans. Some women with risk factors may need to avoid air travel during their entire pregnancy.


4. What should I expect during labor?

Knowing what to expect during labor can be helpful for mental preparation. Ask your doctor about what to expect based on your birth plan.


5. Who can I talk to for breastfeeding support?

Getting breastfeeding support from a lactation consultant in advance can help set you up for success. Ask your doctor for recommendations.


6. What should I know about postpartum mood disorders?

Postpartum mood disorders can affect anyone, regardless of their history of depression. Ask your doctor about postpartum depression and symptoms of other disorders to help you prepare—just in case.


7. What’s the difference between labor and false labor?

Braxton Hicks contractions are considered false labor. They’re often characterized by irregular contractions that don’t get closer or disappear based on your position. While it’s important to seek medical attention if you suspect labor, your doctor can provide you with more information on the difference between the two.


8. How long will I stay in the hospital?

Your stay in the hospital depends on your delivery, any complications, and the health of you and your baby. Ask your doctor for more information regarding specifics, but understand that this may change based on your labor.


9. How can I support a healthy postpartum recovery?

Creating a postpartum recovery station can help, but your doctor will be able to provide you with detailed information on what to do following delivery.


As you progress through your pregnancy, don’t forget to get ready for your big day! In addition to putting together your nursery and installing a car seat, make sure you order an insurance-covered breast pump from Byram Healthcare. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all new and expecting mothers can receive one at zero out-of-pocket costs. Check out our breast pump comparison guide to learn more about your options and begin ordering today.