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How to Handle Your Second Trimester


The second trimester of pregnancy occurs when you reach week 13 and lasts until week 27. It’s a time when many women begin to lose the nausea of morning sickness and regain some of their energy back. During this period of time, your baby begins to grow rapidly. Surprisingly, the second trimester is often the most comfortable, as you lose unpleasant symptoms of the first trimester and your baby isn’t big enough to cause too much discomfort. Due to this, many women utilize the second trimester to get prepared, make plans, and finalize shopping. There will still be changes to your body and some women may experience discomfort, but you can still make the most of your time with some helpful tips. Here’s more information on the changes occurring in both you and your developing baby and how to handle your second trimester.


What Happens to Your Body During Your Second Trimester?


As morning sickness begins to wane, you may begin to feel a sense of relief. Many expecting mothers report an overwhelming sense of well-being at first, but there are still physical changes that will continue to occur. As your baby begins to grow, you may experience some of the following:



A Growing Belly


Your stomach begins to grow as your uterus expands to make room for your developing baby. This can lead to some mild achiness in your abdomen as your ligaments and muscles stretch to make room. This cramping is normal and can be eased by warm baths or relaxing stretches.


Enlarged Breasts


During the second trimester, breasts begin to grow as your milk ducts prepare for breastfeeding. During this time, you may feel sensitivity and your breasts will likely outgrow your current bra. Find a good, supportive maternity bra or a sports bra to help offset the new weight.


Braxton-Hicks Contractions


Some women begin experiencing Braxton-Hicks contractions during the second trimester. These are not an indication of labor. Instead, they’re harmless muscle contractions in your uterus that can be triggered by a variety of things. Try using Braxton-Hicks as a way to practice breathing techniques to use during labor.


Some other changes to your body during the second trimester include:


  • Skin changes such as melasma
  • Stuffiness or nosebleeds
  • Sensitive or bleeding gums
  • Changes in vaginal discharge
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Leg cramping
  • Dizziness
  • Heart burn
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Increased hair growth


While these are all normal for expecting mothers during the second trimester, always seek medical attention if you feel unwell or are experiencing any severe symptoms. Dangerous pregnancy symptoms can include jaundice, rapid weight gain, bleeding, severe pain or cramping, vomiting, and severe dizziness or loss of consciousness.


What Happens to Your Baby During Your Second Trimester?


Prenatal care during the second trimester is essential to supporting your developing baby. Continue taking your prenatal vitamins and never skip any prenatal visits with your doctor. These visits focus on growth and early detection of any health problems. During the second trimester, your baby begins to grow more rapidly. Lungs are fully formed, and movement begins to increase in frequency. Your baby recognizes your voice, and their eyelids can open and shut. Some other milestones include:


  • Growth of fingernails and toenails.
  • Fingerprints are developed.
  • Presence of eyelashes and eyebrows.
  • Your baby’s hair grows.
  • Lanugo develops.
  • Your baby’s placenta is fully developed.
  • Baby fat begins to accumulate.


The second trimester is an exciting time for parents as your baby passes some major milestones. Talk to your doctor about undergoing a 3D ultrasound for a much sharper image of your developing child.


Staying Healthy During Your Second Trimester


It goes without saying that during the second trimester, it’s still just as important to make healthy choices and avoid certain foods and activities. Make sure that you’re taking your prenatal vitamins and try to opt for whole, nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Staying hydrated is also essential, so find a way to get in your daily dose of water no matter what. Since poor dental hygiene can be dangerous for pregnancy, keep your teeth and gums healthy and see your dentist as needed.


Rather than eating for two, only increase caloric load by about 300 calories. Doctors also recommend getting regular exercise through safe, pregnancy-approved workouts. To strengthen your pelvic floor, incorporate Kegel exercises into your daily routine. 


If you have any questions about how to stay healthy during your second trimester or what to avoid, always discuss with your doctor. Every woman is different and what’s healthy for one person may not be what’s best for another.


The 10 Best Tips to Handle Your Second Trimester


Since many women feel their best during the second trimester, it’s a good time to get things ready for your big day. To help, here are the 10 best tips to handle your second trimester.


  • Buy New Shoes

Pregnancy tends to cause a lot of swelling in your feet and legs. Don’t suffer through discomfort. If you find that your feet have outgrown your current shoes, head to the store and find something you’ll be comfortable in.


  • Pamper Yourself

Schedule some you time with a relaxing bath or unwind with your favorite book. Now that you’re not feeling nauseous every second, you can actually enjoy taking breaks throughout the day. Don’t feel guilty, you’ve earned it.


  • Get a Pregnancy Massage

Pregnancy-safe massages are another great way to pamper yourself. They can help alleviate any aches or pains associated with your growing belly, increase deep relaxation, and may even improve your quality of sleep. Just remember to find therapists who are trained in pregnancy massage and always ask your doctor about safety if you’re concerned.


  • Consider a Babymoon

The second trimester is the perfect time to take one last trip with your partner before your family grows. Babymoons are becoming increasingly popular among couples, and they don’t have to be exotic to be fun. Even a simple staycation or weekend away can help reinvigorate your relationship and bring you closer before the big day.


  • Find a Pediatrician

After you’ve spent some time relaxing and mentally resetting, it’s time to find a pediatrician. Start asking around to find someone who shares your views about how you’ll bring up your baby. Get references and ask friends and family for recommendations then schedule office visits to meet in person.


  • Plan Maternity Leave

Your second trimester is also a good time to plan your maternity leave. Talk to your boss about when you expect to be out of the office, try to get any current projects finished, and determine who will take over for you while you’re gone.


  • Get Comfortable Side Sleeping

If you’re naturally a stomach sleeper or a back sleeper, now is a good time to get comfortable sleeping on your side. Side sleeping is often more comfortable as you continue to grow, and it helps improve blood flow to your baby.


  • Brainstorm Baby Names

A fun activity that you and your partner can do during the second trimester is brainstorm baby names. This is an exciting activity and doing it now will give you plenty of time to think about your choices. Here are some great tips on picking a name for your baby


  • Talk to a Lactation Consultant

A lactation consultant is a healthcare professional who’s specialized in the clinical management of breastfeeding. They help new mothers who are struggling with breastfeeding find a successful latch and prepare themselves for any problems. Talk to a lactation consultant ahead of time to learn what you can do to prepare for breastfeeding and what to do if you encounter any difficulties. This way, if you need help when your baby arrives, you’ll already have someone who you trust and work well with. 


  • Browse Breast Pumps

Breast pumps can help facilitate your breastfeeding by allowing others to take over every now and them. There are plenty of great breast pumps on the market and starting to look at your options early will give you a chance to find the perfect match. Byram Healthcare has a wide range of selections to support new and expecting mothers. Start your search today.


For more information on pregnancy support, preparing for delivery day, and more, Byram Healthcare is here. Our selection of insurance covered breast pumps are available to expecting mothers across the country. To learn more, contact us or try our easy, three-step ordering process today.