Woman looking at breast pump accessories on her phone.

How to Order Breast Pump Replacement Parts and Accessories

Breast pumps are a great supplemental tool for new parents. They allow you to share the responsibility of feedings and make sure that your child is getting the nutrients of breast milk, regardless of where you are. Choosing the right pump will make a world of difference, but over time you may notice that certain components don’t work as well as they used to. Parts can become worn, stretched, frayed, or lose their suction. That’s why it’s important to understand how to order breast pump replacement parts and accessories. The frequency you need to replace these parts varies based on their type and degree of use, but upon examination, you should be able to tell when it’s time. To help, consider the following guide on everything you need to know when ordering breast pump replacement parts.


Benefits of Using a Breast Pump

Although many new mothers exclusively nurse for the first few weeks of their newborn’s life, it’s not always realistic to keep up. Babies need to eat a lot and keeping your breasts on demand for nursing can make it difficult to get much of anything else done. That’s why many women supplement nursing sessions with a breast pump. In addition to the benefit of shared feeding responsibilities, breast pumps can enhance your journey throughout parenthood in several different ways. Some of the most notable benefits include:

  • Increased Milk Supply — regular pumping can help stimulate milk production and increase supply. This is especially beneficial to moms who may be experiencing low output, or for those who want to build up a freezer stash for emergencies.


  • Facilitates Bonding — using a breast pump can give the parent who isn’t nursing (or mothers who are unable to do so) a chance to bond with their baby over feedings. For the biggest benefits, skin-to-skin contact is encouraged.


  • Supports a Working Mother — a breast pump can make it possible for working mothers to continue breastfeeding their babies, even when they are away from them. Always read up on your breastfeeding and pumping rights and have a conversation with your employer to ensure you’re given everything you need to pump at work.


  • Relieve Engorgement — pumping can help relieve engorgement, discomfort, and pain associated with full breasts. If you continue to experience engorgement, talk to your doctor. It’s important to alleviate symptoms to avoid the risks of mastitis.


  • Increases Flexibility — pumping gives new mothers the chance to store breastmilk, so they can have a more flexible schedule. This could include everything from some self-care while your partner feeds, or hiring a caretaker to enjoy a date night. Pumping can also help you create a more reliable feeding schedule.


  • Provide Donor Milk — finally, pumping gives you an opportunity to donate excess milk to mothers in need. There are several reputable organizations that openly accept donations, so if you find yourself with excess it’s a great way to give back to struggling mothers.


Choosing the Best Breast Pump for Your Needs

In order to reap all of the biggest benefits of breast pumping, it’s important to find a device that fits your needs. Some of the most popular brands include Medela insurance covered breast pumps, Spectra breast pumps, Freemie breast pumps, Willow breast pumps, and more.

Regardless of the brand, the first step is deciding if you want to get a manual or electric breast pump. Manual pumps require extraction by hand, while electric ones do the work for you. Electric breast pumps are the most popular option, especially if you’re going to be pumping more than once per day. They’re convenient, effective, portable, and available through several insurance providers. Take some time when selecting a breast pump to make sure that you get something that fits your needs. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, new mothers are eligible to receive an insurance covered breast pump at zero out of pocket costs.

Once you receive your breast pump, it’s important to take it out of the box and read the instructions. Take some time to familiarize yourself with all of the parts included. Many of the small parts and accessories will have to be replaced at some point during your pumping journey, so it’s good to learn what they are and how they fit into your pumping system as early as possible. Proper cleaning can also help elongate the lifespan of your pumping accessories, so make sure that you follow cleaning and sanitization guidelines. 

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How Often Should You Replace Breast Pump Parts?

As with anything, the more often you use your breast pump, the sooner you’ll need to replace some of the parts. For example, a mother who pumps exclusively—about 10 times per day—and regularly sanitizes her pump will need to replace the parts much sooner than a mother who only pumps two or three times a day. However, a general rule of thumb is to replace the parts every three months. You may also want to have an extra set of everything on hand in case something unexpectedly breaks. Different parts may also need to be replaced at different times. Consider the following information regarding specific breast pump replacement parts and accessories.

  • Tubing — worn out tubing can weaken the suction of your breast pump. If the tubing can easily slip on and off the motor and backflow protector, it's time to replace it. Additionally, if any moisture enters the tubing, it should be replaced promptly to avoid the risk of transferring bacteria to your baby’s milk. Sterilization cannot entirely eliminate bacteria buildup inside the tubing, and the moisture could also harm the breast pump motor.


  • Duck Valves — The silicone duck valves, which are the membranes or small white flaps on the valves that control suction strength, should be replaced every one to three months. If they no longer lay flat on the valves, it’s time to replace them. It's also worth noting that smaller breast pump components may not show any visible signs of wear and tear, so make sure to examine everything when ordering new parts.


  • Membranes — over time, the membranes within the backflow protectors can become stretched and lose their elasticity. This reduces their ability to prevent moisture buildup in the breast pump motor. These should be replaced every three to six months. If you notice any tearing, warping, rips, or discoloration, replace them regardless of how long you’ve had them.


  • Breast Shields —due to their function, breast shields tend to accumulate residue fairly quickly. This can cause them to crack or become discolored. Usually, it’s recommended to replace shields (flanges) every six months, but if you notice signs of wear and tear like tears, warping, or cracks, it’s important to replace them sooner. This will reduce the risk of germ buildup and contamination.


Disposing Old Breast Pump Parts

When you get your replacement breast pump parts, you may wonder how to dispose of the broken or used ones. As a general rule of thumb, most of the parts of a breast pump will need to be thrown out. This is because there is a biohazard risk associated with parts that have touched breast milk. However, there are a few exceptions. The exterior plastic part of backflow protectors can be recycled, as long as the white membranes are removed and thrown away first. Flanges can also be recycled, given that they are cleaned and sanitized first. Everything else needs to be thrown away.


Best Breast Pump Accessories to Have on Hand

Overall, using the right accessories can help to make pumping more comfortable and efficient, which can make life much easier for new moms. Try a few different accessories to find the best options for your needs, or ask your doctor for more recommendations. Some of the best breast pump accessories to have this year can be found here.


How to Order Breast Pump Replacement Parts and Accessories

As a reputable medical supply company, Byram Healthcare makes it easy for new and expecting mothers to order an insurance-covered breast pump. Byram partners with various insurance providers such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, Anthem, Ambetter, United Healthcare, Cigna, and more to help you find the perfect pump for your needs. We also offer several options for ordering breast pump replacement parts and accessories through ApriaDirect.com. If you need any assistance throughout the process, don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our specialists today.