Medela Electric Breast Pumps

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Medela’s range of breast pumps covers all the potential needs of breastfeeding mums: from initiating breastfeeding for a prematurely born baby with the highest-standard, hospital-grade breast pump to expressing milk to cover the odd night out with the high-performance electric pump. Medela electric breast pumps feature 2-Phase Expression technology, which mimics babies’ natural sucking rhythms, allowing mums to express more breast milk in less time.

Disclaimer: Upgraded breast pumps are not 100% covered by your insurance. The amount you are required to pay out-of-pocket varies by the insurance provider.

Pregnant Woman on Computer

Shop Medela Electric Breast Pumps


  • 1.5 Hour Rechargeable Battery

  • Fast Charging with USB Type C Port

  • Easy Clean - No Tiny Parts

  • Dual Pump to Extract Milk from Both Breasts Simultaneously

  • PersonalFit Flex™ Breast Shield for Increased Comfort

  • 1.5 Hour Rechargeable Battery

  • Fast Charging with USB Type C Port

  • Easy Clean - No Tiny Parts

  • Dual Pump to Extract Milk from Both Breasts Simultaneously

  • PersonalFit Flex™ Breast Shield for Increased Comfort