Traveling with a Newborn: Tips for Stress-Free Trips

Taking a trip with a newborn can seem like an unachievable feat, but with a little preparation, anything is possible. To help you make the most out of your experience, we'll go over everything you need to know when traveling with infants.

General Tips for Traveling With an Infant

Whether traveling by car or plane, you'll want to do everything you can to help ensure a safe and comfortable journey for your little newborn. To help, consider the following general tips for traveling with newborns.

Schedule a Visit with Your Pediatrician

Before embarking on any travel with your baby, visit your pediatrician. Ensure your baby is in good health and discuss any concerns or precautions related to the upcoming journey. Confirm that your baby is up-to-date on vaccinations and ask for advice on managing potential health issues while traveling.

Pack Everything You Need

Thoroughly plan and pack for your trip, considering all the essential items your infant may require. This includes diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, baby food, extra clothing, blankets, and any necessary medications. Make a checklist to ensure you don't overlook any crucial items, and double-check before leaving to avoid last-minute stress.

Keep Them Comfortable

Dress your baby in comfortable, weather-appropriate clothing with plenty of layers. This can help with changing temperatures on planes or during car trips. Bring a spare outfit in the diaper bag in case of accidents.

Find a Hotel with Baby Amenities

When selecting accommodations, choose a hotel that caters to the needs of infants and families. Look for amenities such as cribs, baby-proofed rooms, and on-site facilities to make your stay more comfortable.

Get Travel Insurance

Travel insurance can help cover unexpected events, such as trip cancellations, delays, or medical emergencies. Ensure that the policy you choose includes coverage for infants and review the terms and conditions to understand the extent of the protection provided for your family.

Look at the Best Places to Travel with a Newborn or Toddler

Get baby-friendly travel tips from your friends, family, or pediatrician. Going somewhere that's not only easy to get to with a newborn but also offers amenities for the whole family can make your journey much more enjoyable. Good travel destinations are often closer or easier to get to and safe.

Car Travel with a Baby

Whether you're going for a short drive or are planning a longer road trip, keeping your baby safe in the car is of the utmost importance. To help make family travel a breeze, consider the following.

Use a Rear-Facing Car Seat

You'll need a rear-facing infant car seat from the moment your baby is born, so you might as well keep it installed for any upcoming road trips. Secure the car seat properly, then double-check that it is installed correctly by visiting an approved inspection location.

Plan for Plenty of Breaks

Long stretches of car travel can be challenging for everyone. Plan for frequent breaks to stretch, feed, and change your baby. Use designated rest areas or baby-friendly locations to provide a comfortable break environment, ensuring your baby stays content and well-rested throughout the journey.

Protect Your Baby from the Sun

Shield your baby from the sun's harmful rays by installing sunshades on the car windows. This not only helps maintain a comfortable temperature in the car but also protects your baby's sensitive skin from direct sunlight.

Take Time Packing the Car

Efficiently packing your car can make a significant difference in the comfort of your baby during the journey. Organize essential items within easy reach, such as diapers, wipes, snacks, and clothes.

Play Fun Car Games

Engage your baby during car rides by playing fun and interactive games. Hang soft, colorful toys within their reach, or use a mirror to allow them to see themselves. Singing along to nursery rhymes or playing gentle music can also provide entertainment and comfort.

Air Travel with a Newborn

Flying with a baby presents a unique set of challenges, as it can increase your newborn's risk of catching a respiratory infection or other infectious disease. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you may want to avoid unnecessary air travel with newborns until they're about six months old. At this point, they're old enough for some vaccinations and have a more developed immune system. Still, if you absolutely need to take your little one on a plane, here are some tips to follow.

Check the Airlines Policy

Before embarking on your journey, it's important to review the airline's policies regarding travel with newborns. Different carriers may have varying regulations, such as age restrictions, documentation requirements, and specific guidelines for accommodating infants. Familiarize yourself with these rules ahead of time to avoid issues. If your baby is not old enough to be on an airline, you may want to consider whether flying is the right option.

Consider a Child Safety Seat

Children sitting on your lap can be put in danger when there's turbulence, making it hard (or impossible) to protect your baby. Therefore, using a child safety seat is important, especially during turbulent conditions. Doing so can provide an additional layer of protection in rough flying conditions.

FAA-Approved Car Seat on the Plane

If you decide to bring your car seat for your baby, ensure that it is FAA-approved for use on an airplane. This means that the seat meets the necessary safety standards and can be securely fastened in the aircraft, which helps you offer optimal protection for your baby during the flight.

Take Time Zone Changes Into Consideration

Newborns may be sensitive to changes in time zones, which can disrupt their sleep patterns and routines. Plan an itinerary for travel with your baby with these changes in mind, allowing for gradual adjustments to help your baby adapt more comfortably to the new time zone.

Bring a Collapsible Baby Stroller

A collapsible baby stroller can be a lifesaver during your travels. It provides convenience in navigating airports and gives you a comfortable and secure place for your baby to rest. Ensure the stroller complies with airline regulations for storage and use on board.

Ask for a Bassinet or Travel Crib

Contact the airline in advance to inquire about the availability of bassinets or travel cribs. These amenities can provide a comfortable space for your baby to sleep during the flight, which will help you and your little one enjoy a more peaceful journey.

Try to Keep Your Baby or Toddler Entertained

Long flights can be challenging for infants, so be prepared with toys, books, or other engaging activities to keep your baby entertained. Consider age-appropriate distractions to make the journey more enjoyable for your little one.

Breastfeed or Use a Pacifier During Takeoff and Landing

During takeoff and landing when traveling by plane, changes in air pressure can cause discomfort for babies. Breastfeeding or offering a pacifier can help alleviate this discomfort by encouraging sucking and swallowing, which can equalize the pressure in their ears.

Be Prepared for Anything

Flying with a newborn involves a high potential for unforeseen challenges. Be ready for delays, diaper changes, unexpected illnesses, and moments of fussiness. Packing essential supplies and maintaining a flexible mindset can help you navigate these situations more smoothly.

Bring Your Baby's Birth Certificate and Passport

Finally, double-check that you have all the necessary documentation for your baby, including their birth certificate and passport. These are vital for traveling internationally and may be required by authorities during various stages of your journey. Verify the specific requirements for your destination to avoid any complications.

Tips for Traveling with Toddlers

There are also a few important tips for traveling with a toddler that can help make your journey smoother and more enjoyable. Since they can be a bit temperamental, it's a good idea to try to keep them entertained while still maintaining their schedule and rules from home. Some tips for when you're traveling with an older baby include:

  • Bring a variety of toys, books, and electronic devices
  • Create an itinerary that includes nap times, meals, and play breaks
  • Pack their favorite comfort items like stuffed animals, blankets, or toys
  • Bring a travel blanket or pillow
  • Dress them in comfortable yet functional clothing
  • Try to engage them in your travel experience
  • Play for downtime
  • Try to be patient and flexible


Travel with a newborn baby is a little complicated, but it's not impossible. If you're prepared and take the necessary measures to keep your baby safe and comfortable, things should be okay. Before leaving for your trip, get yourself organized and make sure you have your free breast pump through insurance. Byram Healthcare makes ordering easy for new and expecting mothers. We also offer several options for ordering breast pump replacement parts and accessories. If you need any assistance throughout the process, don’t hesitate to contact one of our specialists today.