9 Things to Do with Your Baby Before They Can Walk
The newborn stage is often filled with sleepless nights, struggling schedules, and the ongoing effort of adapting to change. Although it can be a lot, this is also a time that you’re going to quickly come to miss. Babies grow up fast and, before you know it, your little bundle of joy is going to be walking around and exploring their independence. To help you savor your time with your newborn, try to do as many things together as possible. Even though this may seem like an exhausting idea, you’ll come to cherish these moments and remember them in a positive light. Below, we’ll go over what you can expect in terms of development along with nine things to do with your baby before they can walk.
Average Timeline of Infant Milestones
The first year of your baby’s life is going to be filled with milestones. Some of them are small, like the development of certain reflexes. Others are major, such as crawling, imitation, and the infamous first laugh. While each newborn will develop physically, cognitively, and emotionally different, there are some average timelines to watch out for during the first year.
By the end of your baby’s first month, you may notice that they start to focus on nearby objects, begin to recognize sounds, start making more arm movements, and develop their hearing. By the end of the third month, they’ll begin to recognize familiar objects and people, smile, and begin exploring hand-eye coordination. As they continue into their seventh month, many babies can sit up with help, respond to their name, roll over, and distinguish emotions. After their first birthday, other milestones (in order of development) include the following:
- Sit up without help
- Crawl
- Try to imitate words
- Use simple gestures
- Explore objects
- Use exclamations
- Use objects correctly
- Respond to simple requests
- Walk
Walking usually occurs between the eight month and 18-month marker. Again, this is different for everyone. Support your baby’s unique timeline and try not to compare their progress to friends or family members.
If you have any concerns or don’t feel like your baby is meeting their developmental milestones, talk to your pediatrician. It’s completely normal for some babies to be fast learners while others are late bloomers, but developmental disorders do exist. Rather than worry yourself sick about all of the “what if” scenarios possible, it’s best to work with your baby’s doctor to determine what’s going on.
9 Activities to Enjoy with Your Infant
Realistically, you can do any of these things at any point during your journey throughout parenthood! However, they’re also great moments to enjoy with your baby before they can travel on their own two feet. Contrary to what you might think, things can get even more hectic once they become mobile and discover their vocal cords. Give yourself time to stop and smell the roses with your newborn while enjoying the following nine activities.
1. Visit a Museum
Taking a stroll through a museum when your baby is so young might not seem like a great, baby-appropriate idea, but the simple exposure to new colors, shapes, and items can help boost their development. You can try going to an art museum to introduce them to vibrant paintings or your local field museum to walk through animal exhibits around the world. Plus, you get a little time for yourself to enjoy the museum without having to keep a watchful eye on a wandering toddler. If your baby gets a little fussy, simply excuse yourself and head to the nearest bathroom or lobby area.
2. Go Window Shopping
Another great option is to go window shopping. Depending on the time of year and where you live, this can lead to some pretty cool discoveries. You can choose whether you stroll around the mall, along popular shopping streets in the city, or even in a pet store filled with exotic fish.
3. Enjoy a Meal Out
Many new parents are hesitant to take their newborns or infants out to a restaurant, but the earlier you expose them to new sights and sounds, the less likely they may be to get fussy. Young babies sleep a lot anyway, so now is the perfect time to enjoy some of the restaurants you’ve been dying to try. Start somewhere that you’re comfortable with to see how your baby reacts. If they don’t get fussy or start screaming at the onset of a new environment, your confidence to explore new places will grow. Once they begin to walk, dining out gets a lot harder so take advantage of the newborn phase while you can.

4. Have a Picnic
Alternatively, you can also go out for a picnic. This is a great option for babies who don’t agree with loud, busy restaurants. It’s also a nice way to schedule time outside and away from your home, which is beneficial for your mental health during the transition period into parenthood. You can either invite a friend or spend some quality time with your newborn. Either way, a picnic is a wonderful way to relax and soak up the fresh air. Pack your favorite foods, a few drinks, and a book so you can sit down and enjoy a moment of solitude with your baby.
5. Stroll Through the Gardens
Some newborns need to be in continuous motion in order to rest peacefully. If you feel like that’s the case, spend some time strolling through your local botanical garden. Doing so allows you to break the monotony of regular neighborhood walks while giving yourself some time to stop and smell the roses.
6. Visit the Zoo
Don’t forget to add the zoo to your list of places to visit during the newborn phase! The zoo is a great activity for people of all ages. It gives you a chance to walk around and get some exercise, breathe the fresh air, and enjoy the entertainment that the animals bring. Plus, you’ll be able to start introducing your baby to new and exotic species, which may even turn into a lifelong passion for animals. Regardless of the age of your baby, the zoo is a great place to spend time. Just make sure to keep a watchful eye on your toddlers if you start to return once they can walk!
7. Have a Photo Shoot
A newborn or infant photo shoot is something you’re going to cherish for the rest of your life. While you can continue to take professional pictures as your baby ages, once they become mobile it gets a little more difficult. Find someone who specializes in newborn or infant photographs and work with them to choose outfits, backdrops, or environments that will highlight your baby’s features. Not only does this make for a fun activity, but the results will last a lifetime.
8. Go for a Swim
Did you know you can enroll your baby in swim classes when they’re as young as six months old? Although they might not be able to walk, they can definitely swim. In fact, babies have an innate swimming or diving reflex up until they’re around six months, which makes this the perfect time to create a learned habit. This is especially important for families with a pool, as babies that have taken swim classes and know how to react in the water have a lower risk of drowning.
9. Play Some Tunes
Finally, if nothing else, just sit back and relax with your baby to some soothing music. Introducing music at an early age can help encourage cognitive development and spark a passion that continues into adulthood. You may even discover a few songs that help put your baby to sleep.
Refer to this list when you need a recommendation for something to do with your baby before they can walk. You don’t need to complete them all and you may find that there are other things you enjoy doing more. For example, if your baby is experiencing some colic, going to a quiet museum may seem like a nightmare. That’s okay! Your parenting journey is uniquely yours and you can do whatever brings you joy. To help prepare you for that first year of life, don’t forget to order an insurance covered breast pump from Byram Healthcare. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, all new and expecting mothers are eligible to receive one at zero out of pocket costs. To learn more about your options and get started with the ordering process, check out our product selection guide today.