Pregnant lady sitting on a bench with her laptop.


Freemie Breast Pump Through Insurance

During pregnancy, you’re faced with thousands of choices. You’ll need to decide how you want to set up the nursery, what you’re going to name your baby, and all of the specifics of your birth plan. Once you welcome your baby into the world, one of the biggest—and earliest—decisions you’ll need to make is whether you’re going to breastfeed or not. Since most new moms start breastfeeding within one hour of delivery, consider the benefits of choosing to breastfeed ahead of time. For mothers who choose to breastfeed, using a breast pump is a great way to supplement nursing without sacrificing the nutrients in breast milk. To help you along this journey, here’s more information on how to get a Freemie breast pump through insurance.

The Ongoing Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is one of the best, most affordable ways that you can support your baby’s development. The nutrients in breast milk help to strengthen your baby’s immune system, support healthy brain development, and facilitate healthy weight gain.

During the first few days of breastfeeding, your breasts release colostrum, which is commonly referred to as liquid gold. Colostrum has a golden color and is extremely high in protein, fat-soluble vitamins, immunoglobulins, and minerals to help nourish a newborn baby. It functions as an organic vaccine and helps circulate antibodies between mom and baby. Colostrum is also packed with white cells called leukocytes that fight disease-causing bacteria and viruses while supporting your baby’s gastrointestinal and digestive development. While this liquid gold only lasts a few days, colostrum and continued breastfeeding provides amazing benefits to newborns.

Some of the biggest benefits of breastfeeding include improved immunity, a stronger bonding between baby and mom, alongside a reduced likelihood that your baby will suffer from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), asthma, childhood obesity, certain infections, respiratory diseases, and more. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that infants be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months with continued breastfeeding while introducing appropriate complimentary foods for 1 year or longer.

In some cases, breastfeeding isn’t possible. This can be due to serious illness, infections, medication use, chronic conditions, physical limitations, and more. If you’re a new mother and are unable to breastfeed, don’t worry—you can still provide your baby with essential nutrients for a healthy development. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of using a breast pump to extract milk for bottle feeding. If your milk supply is low, you can supplement this with formula. If you’re unable to breastfeed or pump, talk to your doctor about the best formula to support your baby’s development.

Regardless of if you nurse, pump and feed, or use formula, continue doing so in conjunction with skin-to-skin contact and other bonding rituals to help encourage your baby’s development mentally, emotionally, and physically.

The Importance of Ordering a Breast Pump

While you’ll likely spend those first few weeks nursing exclusively, you might not always be around to feed. Whether you’re a working mom or a mom that just needs a little break, you’ll want to be able to take some time for yourself without worrying about your baby’s nutrition. That’s where breast pumping comes in.

When you supplement nursing with breast pumping, you’ll be able to extend the benefits of breastfeeding regardless of if you’re physically there or not. By incorporating breast pumping into your routine, you’ll be able to build a milk supply so your partner, family member, or caregiver can take over feedings while you’re away. Breast pumping is also a great way to relieve engorgement and stay confident that your baby is getting what they need. There are a lot of great resources about breastfeeding and breast pumping available. Unfortunately, many breast pumps are expensive and may not be seen as an essential line-item purchase when preparing to welcome a newborn. Luckily, the Affordable Care Act allows you to receive a breast pump through insurance with zero out of pocket costs.

The Affordable Care Act and Breast Pumps

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a health care reform law that was enacted in March 2010 in an effort to make affordable health care more available, expand the Medicaid program, and support innovative medical care methods. Due to scientifically-backed research regarding the health and development benefits of breast milk, law makers made it a legal requirement that health insurance providers must offer plans that cover breastfeeding support, counseling, and certain equipment throughout the duration of breastfeeding. Since breast pumps help facilitate the proven health benefits of breast milk, it entitles all new or expecting mothers to receive an insurance covered breast pump with zero out of pocket costs.

To comply with the Affordable Care Act, all insurance providers must offer some sort of coverage. However, that coverage varies and there are exceptions and limitations. Always check with your insurance provider to better understand your coverage details.

Freemie Independence Pumps—Hospital Grade Power That Fits in Your Pocket

To help prepare you for breast pumping, it’s recommended that you order your insurance covered breast pump ahead of time. This allows you to familiarize yourself with your breast pump in advance and understand the moving parts. However, before you can do that, you need to do some research on a breast pump that will work for you.

Freemie breast pumps were created by an ER doctor for modern moms. After giving birth to premature twins, she learned that it could be hard to find time to use traditional breast pumps, especially if you’re in the office. To help women balance work, life, and breast pumping, the Freemie Independence Pump was created. The Freemie Independence pump utilizes a state-of-the-art design that gives new mothers flexibility and freedom to continue with their day while breast pumping. Thanks to unique Freemie Cups, new moms can express milk discreetly, efficiently, and without disruption to their day.

The Freemie Cups replace bottles and horns associated with traditional pumps and are worn inside of your bra. The Patented Freemie Independence Pump and Freemie Closed System Collection Cups allow you to double pump, hands-free with your clothes on wherever you are, providing complete mobility. While the Freemie Cups offer a versatile design that can be used with compatible breast pumps, the Freemie Independence Breast Pump is quiet, compact, and lightweight to further boost your mobility and discretion.

Freemie Independence Breast Pumps are easy to use and one of the simplest breast pumps on the market. All you need to do is slip the Freemie Cups into your bra, strap the pump on your hip, and turn it on. Freemie Independence offers hospital grade power that fits in your pocket. If you’re looking to save time and gain flexibility, Freemie is an excellent option.

The Freemie Independence Breast Pump comes with two, 25 mm breast flanges, a compact carrying bag, and a one-year limited warranty. It is a closed system that uses BPA free components and has three memory settings, a removeable belt clip, and a micro-USB rechargeable battery. The Freemie Independence Breast Pump can be plugged into an outlet to optimize charging and weighs about 8 ounces.

New and expecting mothers are eligible to receive a Freemie Independence Breast Pump through several insurance providers including, but not limited to, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, United Healthcare, Cigna, and more.

How to Order a Freemie Breast Pump Through Insurance

Ordering an insurance covered Freemie breast pump is easier than ever. All you need to do is confirm your eligibility with your insurance company, ask any questions you may have, and work with a qualified medical supply company like Byram Healthcare.

While all new and expecting mothers are eligible to receive an insurance covered breast pump, there are limitations and exceptions based on your policy type and coverage details. Therefore, it’s essential that you discuss your individual circumstances with your insurance provider. You can also find a medical supply company that will help you with insurance communication and obtaining a doctor’s prescription. During the initial research, ask as many questions as possible including questions regarding the type of breast pumps available to you, duration of warranties, and time of ordering.

Byram Healthcare is a medical supply company that provides new and expecting mothers with an easy, three-step ordering process for acquiring an insurance covered breast pump. We work with both providers and manufacturers to connect new and expecting mothers with the perfect breast pump for their journey through motherhood in an easy and straightforward way. To get started, simply browse our selection of breast pumps, and begin your order. If you have any insurance-related questions or concerns, contact one of the breast pump experts at Byram Healthcare.